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  • SeriousAging.com Writes About eFoiling!

    SeriousAging.com, an online blog that covers a range of topics about longevity, wrote an article about eFoiling, praising the sport to as a great activity for a (older) demographic that is often incredulous about the idea of taking flight for the first time.

    For those of us experienced with and invested in this sport, we know the exact opposite is true.



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  • New Feature: Find a Shop

    I just added a brand new feature/section to Tidelas - Find a Shop!

    Yes, both Lift and Flite and Cabrinha and every other major manufacturer has dealer/affiliate locator pages, but I was aiming to build something that both the affiliates could use, as well as individuals who do lessons or rentals as a weekend side-hustle.

    This section should also serve as another vessel for content, which will hopefully boost engagement somewhat.

    The cool thing? This module should help affiliates and individuals boost their SEO/Google presence, as these listings can contain backlinks to your own website. Backlinks are one of the strongest credibility signals to search engines and should improve your own website rankings.

    If you're not technical, or run a small operation and don't have an existing website, these shop pages can act as a primary website/landing page that you can direct prospects and customers towards.

    Want to get a listing created? Get in touch with me at: support@tidelas.com


New Locations