eFoiling Kiteboarding Wing Foiling


This spot is an oddity due to its hidden nature. Many life-long residents of Pensacola aren't even aware of this aquatic party spot. We can't list any particular address for launching at, but if you can get here, it'll be well worth your while. Fort McRee is only accessible by marine craft, whether that's a powerboat or an eFoil. Fort McRee is a no-wake zone, so you'll find smooth sailing once you're inside, but keep in mind that boaters are allowed to make wake just west of Sand Island (near the opening) and that can be... tumultuous at times. Boaters here are usually very friendly and will be very curious about your eFoil. One final piece of advice: Watch out for those well-off cougars on boats! (Don't say we didn't warn you!)



Water Quality


Heavy Boat Traffic

Expect boatloads of boat traffic during weekend days here, especially during the summer months. Everyone is usually friendly and considerate enough, so although you might feel a bit crowded at times, you'll be able to navigate through it well.


Recommended Rider Experience

Riders should be experienced with handling minimal wake, not falling off near passing boats and spotting shallow areas.



Efoil, kiteboard and wing foil lessons and equipment on the Florida Panhandle

Last updated on: 8/28/2024 Submitted by: Ben S.