Nearby Spots

eFoiling Kiteboarding Wing Foiling


Sardis Lake is a 98,000-acre reservoir spanning the counties of Lafayette, Panola, and Marshall in Mississippi. The lake is impounded by Sardis Dam, located nine miles southeast of the town of Sardis, about an hour drive from Memphis, Tennessee. - JB

Editors notes: Avoid taking an eFoil too far east in the lake (~1/3 of the eastern most section of the lake) as it may be too shallow.



Water Quality

The water quality is okay, the visibility is not, so you need to mind your surroundings and have some familiarity with the spots you ride, having depth and debris in mind.


Heavy Boat Traffic

The boat traffic varies depending upon location and time of week, weekend and holidays being busier.


Recommended Rider Experience

Solid riding skills and familiarity with this body of water are recommended before foiling here.


Lift Mississippi

Official Lift Foils affiliate offering lessons and sales in Mississippi

Launch Points

Sardis Lake Marina

30117 Blackjack Rd. Sardis, Mississippi 38666 United States

There is truck/trailer parking available in addition to boat drop.

After dropping in, carefully follow the channel markers until you're north of the strip of land to your east. Be aware of the possibility for turbulence at the northern corner of this strip of land.

Good Launch Location
Parking Nearby
Last updated on: 8/28/2024 Submitted by: JB S.